
Monday, August 26, 2019

Pregnancy Journals

You have probably all heard of Baby Books, you probably seen the one your parents filled out for you, or you may have filled one out yourself, but did you ever think about a pregnancy journal?
I love journaling and recording, and I’m in search of a great pregnancy journal. Do I go for the funny, bright, colourful and goofy journal like 40ish Weeks? Or do I go more classic with a beautiful linen covered journal from Writetome? Or even a simple journal from Moleksine that covers pregnancy and baby?

40ish Weeks: A Pregnancy Journal [amazon] [booktopia] - what I love? Bright, fun, and goofy. Great prompts.

Moleskine Passion Journal - Baby [moleskine] [milligram AU] - what I love? The fact it covers pregnancy and birth and baby. Will match my huge moleksine collection.

9 Months - Pregnancy Journal by Writetome [writetome] - what I love? the mustard yellow linen cover. Australian company. Also comes in “Bump” version which is a cream linen.

I may, or may not purchase all three and decide once I see them in person. Until then I’m just taking notes on the app Day.One which I’ve been using for years and is my favourite note taking app. Once I decide on the journal, I will transfer my notes into it.

Did you use a pregnancy journal? Which one do you like? Or do you know another one that I may like. Let me know in the comments.


1 comment:

  1. Buy all three and I'll be happy to take whatever you don't use off of your hands if I ever need it haha


Taking Stock

making.  Christmas decorations. I have a few ideas, like dried citrus, stick stars, using the polymer clay I bought a while ago and never us...