
Thursday, August 22, 2019

Let’s Talk About Caffeine

It’s recommended that a pregnant woman limit her caffeine intake to 200mg, which is just one cup of coffee... a day! That doesn’t include the caffeine in soft drinks, the caffeine sometimes found in chocolate and food, and the caffeine in tea.
As a 2 cups of coffee, 3 servings of Pepsi Max kinda gal, I think it’s time for me to try and cut down. My first step will be setting a goal. One cup of coffee a day, and one serving of Pepsi max, with a meal, either at lunch or dinner (not both). This naturally leaves me with even more space to drink water (which I’m very bad at... but who isn’t) which is also a very important pregnancy (and life) addition to your diet.
To help me with my coffee fix, I have decided to give decaf coffee a go. Yes, I’ve heard the horror stories, that it tastes bad, that it’s just as bad because they use chemicals... and yes, I know it’s still got caffeine in it, but compared to one cup of coffee... it’s tiny.
I have found this brand, which is apparently organic and chemical free. Guess what, it tasted great and it had appeared to soothe my coffee craving this morning (and I had a shitty morning, so that’s a great sign).
Plus, I know I can kick my Pepsi Max addiction, because I had to do it when I had my weight loss surgery. It’s just tricky, and turns me into a little bit of a grumpy bunny.
But it will all be worth it, once YumMan and I have a beautiful baby!

I can’t wait

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Taking Stock

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