
Friday, August 16, 2019

We Are Having A Baby...

... well not just yet.
We are not pregnant yet, but my partner YumMan and I have had the very adulting conversation, and we have decided that it’s time to try and have a baby, and man I’m so excited!
Not only are we planning on having a baby, circumstances have let to us possibly, very soon, becoming home owners too! TWO huge Adulting achievements in process so quickly and out of the blue. I won’t go into the circumstances here, they’re not the greatest, but they have pushed our rather “go with the flow” relationship, into something way more serious and exciting.
This blog is still evolving slowly, but it seems that it may head down the home\baby route (I promise I will try not to become one of THOSE “Mommy Bloggers”)

Stay Tuned

1 comment:

  1. excited to follow you along on this exciting a fuuuck journey!!


Taking Stock

making.  Christmas decorations. I have a few ideas, like dried citrus, stick stars, using the polymer clay I bought a while ago and never us...