
Friday, May 1, 2020

Taking Stock #1

Oh man, I haven’t blogged in ages. This blog had grand plans of documenting my journey to becoming pregnant and having a baby, and it fell to the wayside... but guess what? I’m pregnant! 26 weeks and 2 days, so over halfway there already! Let me tell you, the past 26 weeks have wizzed by, I was expecting this journey to take longer than it did. YumMan and I spoke about starting to try for a baby in August 2019, and on November 24th 2019, I took that pregnancy test, and I was pregnant. Everything went smoothly, no morning sickness, just fatigue, and it really has been a dream. I’m lucky, my mum always said that being pregnant was her happiest and healthiest time in her life, and it appears I have experienced that too.
I’ve decided the do a little blog prompt as a quick way for everyone to see what I’ve been up to. The world has been pretty freaking crazy!
Making: melting moments, Turkish chocolate cake, oat slice, custard tarts, home cooked meals... lots of cooking and baking... but surprisingly, despite the trends, I haven’t attempted Bread yet.
Cooking: as above. YumMan and I moved into a rental together on February 29th, and we have had take away once since then! Home cooked meals are great, and I have so much more enjoyment making them when I’m cooking for someone else (or having someone cooking for me)
Sipping: water, all the water... got to fight that pregnancy constipation! But also too much caffeine.
Reading: Phosphorescence by Julia Baird. I purchased it not knowing what it was about because of the beautiful cover, and it was the book I NEEDED to read at this crazy time in my life!

Looking: towards the future. This pandemic has kicked everyone in the gut. My finances are a wreck, my maternity plans are a wreck, but it’s been an amazing exercise in living in the now, and being mindful of the people around you. I spent all of April at home with YumMan on leave, only venturing out for groceries. It was a good practice of whether we could survive living together (haha) and good practice on whether I would go stir-crazy at home full time once I have bub (the answer is, only a little)
Listening: a mixture of eclectic mix of songs. I tried to link my Spotify playlist, but it’s not working.
Wishing: for everything to go back to normal soon.
Enjoying: being at home, cooking, cleaning, watching Netflix, doing the dishes, NESTING!
Eating: all the things I’ve been baking and cooking... and Bertie Beetles! I had a craving... I found a site that sells them in bulk... 250 Bertie Beetles is A LOT of chocolate! Haha!
Loving: my new home, and living with YumMan!
Buying: all the baby stuff. 
Watching: Afterlife S2, Unorthodox S1, Masterchef, all the cooking shows!
Needing: more money to buy baby things!
Wearing: PJs all day! Then showering in the evening and putting a new pair of PJs on!
Sorting: babies room. Washed some baby clothes yesterday! They’re so tiny!
Coveting: expensive, and beautiful baby and maternity products that I can’t afford. Maybe even coveting that Instagram Mumma life... but I will get over that!
Feeling: honestly, overwhelmed and anxious most of the time. But those times are dotted with lovely moments of bliss that make everything worth it. (Good practice for mumma life)
Thank you for having a read. 
LOVE BunnyFish (and Bubba)

Taking Stock

making.  Christmas decorations. I have a few ideas, like dried citrus, stick stars, using the polymer clay I bought a while ago and never us...